Hardware Replacement Guarantee
Web World Ireland guarantees the functionality of all dedicated server hardware components and will replace any failed component at no cost to the client. Hardware repair/replacement will begin immediately upon identification of the hardware failure and is guaranteed to be complete within 1 hour of problem identification. Hardware is defined as the Processor(s), RAM, Hard Disk(s), Motherboard, NIC Card, and other related hardware included under the server lease. The time required to repair/replace hardware does not include software reinstallation and/or data recovery from backup tapes/disks (time frame depends on size of disk and amount of data). This does not cover servers co-located although we will assist these customers with hands on support and we will replace any hardware where we can.

Network Uptime Guarantee
Web World Ireland's servers are supported by a world-class infrastructure engineered from the ground up to support just about any kind of contingency. They are connected to the Internet through redundant high-speed connections on diverse backbones, ensuring data delivery to the end user in the fastest, most efficient manner possible. Web World Ireland guarantees a 99.9% uptime excluding scheduled maintenance and prior notified upgrades. Web World Ireland's Cisco Powered Network, combined with 24/7/365 monitoring by highly qualified network engineers and administrators, guarantee the functioning of all network infrastructure including routers, switches, and cabling.

Shared Hosting: We make regular backups of all our shared servers, however Web World Ireland does not take responsible for files and data residing on any customer's account. It is the customers responsibility to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on our servers.

Dedicated Servers: We do not make backups of dedicated servers or servers co-located on our network. Its the customers responsibility to backup data on these servers.

Managed Dedicated Server: We make regular backups of all our managed dedicated servers & email daily reports to these customers. However these customers must also make regular backups of their own data and we do not guarantee the integrity of any backups we make.

Uptime Guarantee
We guarantee our web servers will be up and running at least 99.5% of the time, or you get service uptime credit applied to your next month's bill! If our server is down, you get this much credit:

2 consecutive hours 10% of your regular fees
4 consecutive hours 20% of your regular fees
7 consecutive hours or more 25% of your regular fees
7 non-consecutive hours in any single month 25% of your regular fees
24 hours (consecutive or otherwise) in any single month Full month free!


Limitations: We guarantee uptime only for our servers. For uptime credit on an outage for an individual web site, where the server itself was functioning normally, downtime is accrued from the time that you notify us of the outage using our online support system. Because it is impossible for us to monitor each separate web site residing on our servers, no credit can be issued if you fail to notify us that your web site is unreachable. If your web site cannot be reached due to other problems, such as router failure or failure of equipment not under the control of Web World Ireland, those types of problems do not fall under this guarantee.

Consecutive-hour downtime credit will be applied automatically, as we are easily able to track this downtime. However, to claim non-consecutive downtime credit for the month, you must contact us, in writing, documenting the specific dates/times of downtime. We will need to confirm the information you provide in our server logs before a credit can be issued.

Web World Ireland is responsible only for account hosting fees. We cannot be held responsible for any losses to your business caused by any downtime.

For the purpose of this agreement, downtime is defined as any period when the server is not serving websites or e-mail for 15 minutes or longer, and where the downtime was not scheduled in advance for systems maintenance.

30-Day Money Back
If you are not completely satisfied with your experience with Web World Ireland, simply notify us that you have found another web host within 30 days of your account setup and we will refund your regular monthly hosting fees from the time of cancellation. Refunds must be requested via e-mail within the 30-day evaluation period, and all e-mail messages must be followed up by a written request within 10 days. We require the e-mail notice to confirm that your request was made within the 30-day evaluation period, but we cannot refund any money without notification via regular postal mail or facsimile transmission to the address or fax number on our contact page.

*Network outage means any outage in which end users are unable to access the client's site, due to a failure in Web World Ireland's network.

Web World Ireland will ONLY be held responsible for its network and not for general conditions on the Internet. Delays that occur outside Web World Ireland's routers caused by backbone failures, congestion, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of, interruption or delay in telecommunications, or third party services (including DNS propagation) resulting in degradation of service and high packet loss or similar conditions, cannot be guaranteed by Web World Ireland.

Customer Technical Support Response Times

Web World will provide technical support and assistance by telephone, email or LiveChat to resolve day-to-day technical difficulties or queries. Telephone support is available from 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday. Emergency support is provided 24/7/365 days per year via LiveChat on our website. If the support request is an emergency, we will endevor to respond within 1 hour.

Service Credit Request Procedure
In order for you to receive a credit on your account, you must request such credit within 10 days after you experience hardware failure or network outage. You must follow these steps. Request made by e-mail to accounts@webworld.ie. Include all support ticket numbers in your e-mail. Include your server and/or domain name, and your full address as shown on your invoices. Dates and times of unavailability of your server and any additional information. Credits will usually be applied for the following months service within 30 days of acceptance of the request. Credit to your account shall be the sole and exclusive remedy in the event that there is a network outage or hardware failure.

Claim Review Process
All claims must be submitted via e-mail to accounts@webworld.ie. Claims will be acknowledged within two business days and reviewed within seven business days of receipt. Upon coming to a decision, you will be notified via e-mail whether the appropriate service credit will be issued on the next invoice or reject the claim by specifying the basis for rejection.

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